Discuss any concerns about the effect or your absence on your studies with the Medical School, your Personal Tutor or Student Support as a matter of urgency.
This information will be held by the Medical School in order to keep a record of student absences. The Medical School will monitor the frequency of self-certified absences and will inform students
of their procedures to follow up multiple instances. All students must provide a doctor's medical certificate in multiple and sustained instances of self-certified illness.
Confidentiality will be respected and any requests to keep information confidential will be complied with.
For notifying general absence: please deliver/send this from to the Medical School Secretary within TWO working days of the end of the period of absence.
For notifying absence during the examination period: please inform the Medical School Secretary or Student Support Lead immediately and deliver the
completed forms within TWO working days
of the end of the period of absence.
By pressing the submit button I agree to the University of Buckingham recording and processing this information about me. I understand that the information will only
be used for the purpose(s) set out above and my consent is conditional upon the University complying with its duties and obligations under the Data Protection Act.